Do you have that one particular item that you feel you just aren’t quite ready for? For me, those were Belgian Shoes.
read more...when do you edit your wardrobe? When the seasons change, when you gain or lose weight, when you are bored, when you need a makeover? What do you keep–sentimental pieces or pieces you hope you’ll be able to wear again one day? How do you clean out your closet–do you donate or sell or throw away or give to a friend?
read more...I’m thrilled to introduce this new series with an interview with one of my favorite bloggers, Nan Philip of Simply Elegant!
read more...I am so excited to share that I am launching a new series in this blog, called “What’s in Your Closet?” where I sit down with some of the people whose style most inspires me and ask them about the five most special pieces in their closet.
read more...I am not one to follow trends. There is a trend, every so often, that I’ll feel tempted by–but I’ll inevitably feel and look uncomfortable. I like the sort of clothes I wear for many reasons, but mostly because I feel comfortable in them.
read more...I’m really feeling a more polished look, style-wise, this fall. Here are five items topping my wishlist!
read more...Turtlenecks are incredibly practical, elegant, and chic. I wear them every possible way–on their own or layered with sweaters; with cocktail attire or casual attire; at a party or hiking or just around the house. A turtleneck always makes me feel instantly more pulled-together.
read more...I have more sweaters than any sane person really needs–of any category of wardrobe item, my sweater collection is robust, to say the least.
read more...I’ve worn Barbour jackets for years and they are far and away one of the most practical items in my closet.
read more...Just like every other preppy millennial female, I too have spent a great deal of time searching for the perfect ballet flat–a universal quest, it seems, just like the perfect day-to-night dress that somehow magically incorporates pockets.